While it is not mandatory in Missouri that a divorced mother and father contribute to their children’s college expenses, Missouri family courts may order either parent to contribute to the cost of their children’s continuing education. This can be done after a contested trial, or it can become an order of a court through a settlement agreement reached by divorcing parents. In fact, this may be done years prior to the children entering college. In our blog we address how an obligation to pay towards a child’s college expenses may impact a parent’s child support obligation.
As we have addressed in previous blogs, in Missouri the presumed amount of child support a parent must pay to the other parent is determined through the utilization of a Form 14. To determine the amount of support this form relies upon many factors, not the least of which are the income levels of the individual parents, the number of children and the details of the parent’s physical custody schedule. What is not explicitly factored into the calculation is the cost of the child’s college education for which the paying parent may also be responsible.
Should An Obligation to Pay College Expenses Reduce Child Support?