With the prevalence of private grade schools and high schools in the St. Louis area, family law attorneys and judges are often faced with the question of how to pay for the costs associated with these schools when one or both parents decide to send their child to private school. …
Articles Posted in “Child Support”
Part II – The Great Lineup: Using the Form 14 to Calculate Child Support in Missouri
In our last post, we discussed the use of a Form 14 to determine child support amounts in family court cases in Missouri, as well as some situations where a Form 14 is not used. Since a Form 14 is the predominant way of determining child support here in Missouri,…
Part I – The Great Lineup: Using the Form 14 to Calculate Child Support in Missouri
Whether you are going through a divorce, a paternity matter, or a modification of child support, the issue of child support is often one of the principle issues in a Missouri family law case. Determining child support in Missouri can be a challenging task, however it is usually calculated according…
How Do the New Federal Tax Laws Affect My Filing Taxes in Missouri While Going Through a Divorce?
With the start of the new year, there has been much publicity and debate over the new tax laws in place across the nation. When a Missouri couple is contemplating a divorce, they should be aware of these new federal tax laws, which may impact how and when they decide…